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Welcome to Ime Obi Onitsha

I believe that this two-way effort will enhance the ongoing process of ensuring that Onitsha Ado N’du meets the challenges of the 21st century.

It is particularly important that this continuous dialogue is sustained, given that the millennium is one of rapid change, driven by digital technology that is transforming the world into a global village.

I am optimistic that our constant interaction will be to our mutual benefit.

Finally, we should endeavour to use the website and the associated social media assets responsibly with due sensitivity and respect for the feelings of others.

Thank you and God bless.


Obi of Onitsha

The Monarchy

The Monarchy

The kingship institution is central to traditional Onitsha society. It is said that Onitsha without a king is like a being without a head. An overview of the Onitsha institution which goes back to the sixteenth century, including the various sovereigns is provided listed here.
Ceremonial Cycle

Ceremonial Cycle

Whilst relating traditional Onitsha social life to a wider reality, the ceremonial cycle runs within the context of the two major ecological seasons, the dry and wet seasons. The nature of each festivals in the cycle is thus dependent on the kind of activities possible within each season.
Age Grade Societies (Otu Ogbo)

Age Grade Societies (Otu Ogbo)

An association of persons born within a specific period, the Age Grade societies which are gender-neutral remain an interesting aspect of traditional of Onitsha social life. In the past, keeping birth records was almost impossible; the age grade societies invariably served as the birth registry.


Keep up with the latest information and developments relating to Ime Obi Onitsha. Links to reports by media outlets are provided. You can read press releases and statements issued by the Palace.

Photos of Ime Obi events and other activities involving the Obi of Onitsha are also available on this website.

Onitsha Business Innovation Platform to take products from an idea all the way to consumer

About Onitsha

Onitsha, a river port on the eastern bank of the River Niger, is a city that has its foundation and existence solidly built on three basic civilization planks of commerce, education, and religion.

These fundamentals have in varying degrees continued to affect the growth and development of the metropolis.

They will also remain relevant in the current millennium in which the world is transforming into a global village driven by digital technology.

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Onitsha Map

Geographical Location

Onitsha is one of the largest towns on the bank of the River Niger. It occupies the northernmost point of the river which in the past was regularly navigable by large vessels, and has contributed to the role of …
Onitsha Ado Badge

Famous Onitsha Natives

Onitsha has and continues to produce personages of remarkable achievements. Whilst some have made special contributions to just Onitsha,  the impact of a good many can be felt pan Nigeria…
Onitsha Culture

Onitsha Culture

Onitsha is renowned for its rich cultural heritage –  → Read More
Tourism In Onitsha

Tourism In Onitsha

A metropolitan city, Onitsha is richly endowed with a number of natural and man-made sites → Read More
Business In Onitsha

Business In Onitsha

Commerce fueled by an entrepreneurial spirit has over time thrived in Onitsha. → Read More

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Onitsha Photos

Various Pictures of popular buildings and more inside Onitsha

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Population (2006)



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