The Various Names of The Obi of Onitsha

Names of the Obi Of Onitsha

The kingship institution as described by Richard Henderson in his seminal work on Onitsha:
The King in Every Man, is a fusion of Onitsha values.  In this regard, the Obi of Onitsha, is considered the father of the clans, a servant to spirits, and a spirit himself, a god, and a warrior. All of these values find expression in the various names of the monarch. He is thus greeted as follows: 

Names Description
Agbogidi The voice of thunder and one without anger
Agu The greatest of all ‘’killers’’ hence his  identification with the leopard (Agu) which is the animal most dangerous to man and called king (Eze) of the forest
Aka M’elu Igbo: The commander of the victorious Onitsha army or warriors
Igwe The sky, arising from the emergent notion of the king as god (chi) of Onitsha people
‘Muo: The ever- knowing spirit with mystical powers and who, by initiation, symbolizes life and death
Ogbuefi The one who initiates ceremony by the killing of a cow
Ogbu Onye Mbosi Ndu Na guya: The one who can take life when it is most desires it
Ogbu Onye Mbosi Ndu Na guya: The one who can take life when it is most desires it
Ogbondu Na Eji Ntu: The cannon containing powder
Okwusie Obee: The one with the final decision; the ultimate judge.
Onye Nwe Obodo: The supreme and maximum ruler of Onitsha